Diamante Sponsor      $ 3,000.00

  • Complimentary VIP Tickets (4)
  • Full Page Ad on Program
  • Special Acknoledgement During Events
  • RDC Gear (T-Shirt & Tote Bag)
  • Opportunity to Distribute Companies Promotional Items to Event Attendees
  • VIP Pre-Show Reception & Showcase

Platino sponsor       $ 2,500.00

  • Complimentary VIP Tickets (4)
  • Full Page Ad on Program
  • Special Acknoledgement During Events
  • RDC Gear (T-Shirt & Tote Bag)
  • Opportunity to Distribute Companies Promotional Items to Event Attendees

Oro sponsor              $ 1,500.00

  • Complimentary VIP Tickets (2)
  • Full Page Ad on Program
  • Special Acknoledgement During Events
  • RDC Gear (T-Shirt & Tote Bag)

Ruby Sponsor            $ 500.00

  • Complimentary VIP Tickets (2)
  • Full Page Ad on Program
  • Special Acknoledgement During Events

Amigos de Relámpago sponsor           $ 200.00

  • Complimentary VIP Tickets (2)
  • Mention as a Sponsor